Gusi A. Rincon (garf02)

My thought is that Luke felt Han dying / Kylo’s power rising again / the awakening of the Force again / maybe even Rey’s awakening too. And when that happened, he communicated with R2 in some way to wake up, so that Luke could make himself be found now that he is needed again.

I voted for Bayonetta. So I know she had my vote.

More salt please.

Unacceptable! Deplorable! Inconceivable! HIGHLY UNETHICAL! That they would portray my movement (innocent, calm, reasonable people) as angry, irrational nerds who scream at Females is offensive and insulting.

holy shit this. im hoping to hear less about this bullshit suggestion from people now.


As well-intentioned as you might be, your wishes for this to simply "be over" are ruined by virtue of your call for peace being a non-starter; you don't get to say you're tired of the whole thing and then in the same breath, resort to the tired straw-man which continues to perpetuate the argument.

Are we really tired of GamerGate, Stephen? Or is this more biased activist journalism trying to brainwash us into being tired of it? Hey. I'm just asking questions! What? I thought this was America! Do you SJW PC Game-Hating Super Facists have something against questions and America?


The Ultimate Friendship Ruiner.

Lets not lump everyone together, that is literally the exact issue #Gamergate has had. There are people who just want #Gamergate as a call to integrity in gaming journalism, as well as others who want it to be far more full of toxicity. We need to recognize and separate that just as #Gamergate needs to otherwise we

Has Gamer Gate every explicitly condoned threats against female developers and journalists/critics?

Guys, im ok with you guys voiceing you oppinion. Instead of calling everything they stand for shit, can't you take some of there ideas for Merritt rather than raging on them all the time.

Claiming this is something gamer-gate is about is like claiming that Islam is an evil religion because of terrorists using it as an excuse for evil. 99% of the support for gamer-gate is about ethics in journalism. It's not about hate.

I hope they catch the fucker. It looks like the EXACT SAME person targeted a GamerGate female a few weeks ago, as well. I'd post the screenshot, but don't want to upset people, tbh.

This is totally not Bias on Kotaku, seeing as how "Gamergate" was created almost solely against you guys. Maybe... just maybe, you should stay out of it.

You're wrong. The roaches were designed after approximations of what early humans, Homo Erectus, looked like. You think its an offensive racist caricature because you yourself are making the association.

Is it REALLY that surprising that Oculus will end up being mainly for guys to whack it? REALLY?

b-but... they broke so much stuff!

I'm so butthurt North America is not getting the First Print Edition.

8 AAA batteries? At some point it should just plug into the wall...