Gusi A. Rincon (garf02)

Seems a little silly to give it a "NO" when most of us don't have the luxury of having access to the original on 3DS. Yet another example of why this review system needs to die in a fire.

"What we want are more games".

Sure, but that never seems to be mentioned as an issue for the PS4 or the XBone, both with much more lacking lineups than the Wii U.


"Doc, you're so crazy! Everyone takes shots at each other."

inb4 HILARIOUS anti Nintendo comments. Get ready to see the word "Rehash" a whole lot.

Hey, all you people bashing the Ouya need to realize that it serves a very distinct and important purpose. Mainly, so I can say "At least I didn't get an Ouya!" when people make fun of me for buying a Vita.

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Why is Florida not on the map?

"they insisted on utilizing a 4x multisampling anti-aliasing (MSAA) process—which is quite technically demanding."

The New Power Boner will suffer the wraith of Furry Furtron!

So, reverse Assassin's Creed.

Call of duty keep doing campaing mode soooo..

Cue rage from people who want this game but don't want to buy a Wii U.

People complain that the WiiUpad's screen is not necessary for playing a game.


OK Kotaku, you've done your journalistic duty and exposed this game as a terrible rip-off with crap gameplay. Now please, if you have any journalistic integrity, stop reporting on it! Don't give this garbage any more publicity. Don't let Nguyen think he can have the world's fascination for producing such shit.