I don’t think Michelle feels threatened by even the most beautiful of Danish chicks.
I don’t think Michelle feels threatened by even the most beautiful of Danish chicks.
Big Freedia is everything. I don’t know how I ever managed to finish a workout without her.
I thought the same thing and, like you knew what she meant when I watched it. Having her note that the White House was built by slaves clearly demonstrates she didn’t forget to mention those of us who are descendants.
Hell, much of Washington, DC was built by PoC (or, to be politically incorrect, black folks), either via enslaved labor or the actual planning. Amazing to think about that history, and then think about today when Chump and his ilk are ranting about building a wall to keep out Mexicans (but would have no problem…
But what does that make of his cat makeup? There’s so many layers to this!
I’ve never seen Paul Stanley and Yama-Uba in the same room together. Their resemblance has me asking questions.
“Can’t even suck a titty right, you little shit.”
Kid seems a bit old for breastfeeding :-/
No Big Freedia, no Nicki Minaj. What even?? Who even is aspiring to Calvin Harris’s or M83's butt???
I watched it in North Eastern US and I still never thought about it!
needs more Big Booty Bitches.
This was a very cheeky post, Ellie.
In a totally unrelated note it’s kinda sick that a bunch of witches would name a cat salem.
“She cheated on me...” So what?! Grow the fuck up crybaby. Once again a woman is dead cause a man threw a temper tantrum.
tradition > student safety.
haha well Ballard is my best of the writers so I may lifted it probably. I didn’t do it on purpose. Ach well. Typical Scouser - always stealing something.
Maybe he should be banned.
Oh, so I can say white culture is “ignorant and barbaric,” and that would be fine with you because OBVIOUSLY I don’t mean all white people? You’re such a fucking disingenuous asshole. Shove it up your ass, you worthless taint.