Hoyo Afrika

Thx! :)

Help yourself to my fictions. Link below!

Disregard previous comment. Wrong window. Thanks! I like plushy bottoms on my visage. It started when a beautiful boy from Somalia sat on my face and all I felt was his opening and the crushing relief of his dark cheeks. Yum.

I feel your shame but it's OK. We've named our evil and we're cleansed of it now.

Oh please. GM causes hundreds of deaths on CDN roads by refusing to recall vehicles that had a defective 90 cent piece. I prefer to believe in the citizen-consumer than the producer of goods/services.

It'll pass. They already have enough black and brown people in jail there. White boys get a slap on the wrist there too. Brazil sounds awful, especially for black/Indigenous people.

Let’s go outside, in the sunshine, take me to places that I love best and yes, I’ve been bad....

I just feel like he has a soft bottom I want grazing my black face.

Oh please. Brazil is a country where corruption goes with their morning coffee.

I would still let him climb into me. Wrapped of course. Unless he's on PrEP.

Bawstan realness!

You're so petty and I love it.


I'm out. This day is so ridiculous. Plus some guy went on a rampage with a crossbow in east Toronto and killed like three people. Jenny (the Loon) being related to Melissa is the final straw para mi.

with a Texas jury finding that there wasn’t enough evidence

I told a friend of mine at school that Scully was related to Pam Anderson. At first she cocked her head and thought I was maybe trying to pull her leg. After a few awkward and silent moments, she bursts out laughing. It’s the same reason I never uttered “Bulgari” because I wasn’t sure of whether the v was silent or

Who do you reckon she's talking about? I think it could that lady who was on the Dr. Drew show. Or maybe Kim!

I always thought she was related to Pam Anderson :(

Within literature, this technique, when done well can produce a Chinese Box. A story within a story within a story. That is how pre-colonial European literature operated. With the collapse of old orders and the centering of bourgeoisie values such as free trade, the nuclear family, colour symbolism (this allowed them

I was on FB the other day and they said a WWE wrestler, a woman, was diagnosed with skin cancer. Lemme find her.