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    "This must be my lucky day".

    Season 2 is a hot mess to be laughed at.

    I have no fucking clue who this broad is.

    Come on, Hans, there are only 7 notes if you don't count the black ones. Pick one. It's not hard, you've done it before.

    Not enough tits, guns and 'splosions. SCI-FI apparently isn't SCI-FI enough without them.

    Without a doubt. One of Barry's most rousing themes.

    Isn't it always the case though. Take away the music scores of 80% of commercial cinema, particularly B movies, of the past 50 years and they wouldn't be nearly as entertaining, involving or bearable as they are.

    Luke Evans, is that you?

    I wouldn't say "underrated" so much as under-listened. But then that applies to 99% of music that isn't intended as "feel good" white noise for highway commuters.

    He had certain chiseled intensity; but it all could have been on account of a butt plug for all I know.

    "Remember, never trust anybody over 30."

    Battle for the Planet of the Endangered Species

    Wouldn't work. Marnie just has to open her mouth and she sucks all the oxygen out of the room

    Better than great.

    Hannah might want to change the battery in her bullshit detector, or better yet not be so desperate for attention to begin with that her will power so quickly evaporates at the behest of any Prince Charming that comes along.

    Here, have a Xanax. Even better, have two.

    …to preemptively go where no show will have gone before.

    KILL KILL, BANG BANG to a ROCK 'N ROLL BEAT. Ain't American formula film-making grand?

    More than a tad. Plus condescending to boot.