Guru Laghima

Thanks to shitty writing like this, the word "problematic" has been ruined for me forever.

"Those not fazed by the diminishing returns of Elysium may continue to be unfazed as the returns diminish further here"

What a Buzzfeed headline. Great job, AVClickbait.

They absolutely cannot include that piece of crap in the TV show.

The Legend of Korra fandom became insufferable after the finale. So many people who want to define the show by its romantic relationships, which accounted for about 5% of the flavour of the show. I just don't understand it.

Male comic book characters are just as physically ridiculous.

Everybody posting about tits and ass is making me sad.

Just rewatched both episodes. So, so great. Can't wait to marathon this whole season.


Holy shit that finale. Please write up the review quickly, I am itching to read a discussion of it…

Ladies and gentlemen: motherfucking Tenzin.

I just watched the whole series + movie on Netflix and enjoyed reading episode reviews as I finished them.

I just watched the whole series + movie on Netflix and enjoyed reading episode reviews as I finished them.

Boyhood link at the bottom is broken…

Wait, fan-wanking?

I watched Season 9 of Simpsons and drank whiskey.

You're criticising the reviewer's rating of about four and a half hours of television based on spoilers you've read? Come on…