

You can’t pop any wrist bone back into place- it may have been his thumb, but definitely not his wrist. Nothing in there is dislocating and just popping back that simply, unless it’s his finger.

Frozen hotdogs. Like, frost-bitten ones. I've been doing this since I was a small, small child. Just sucking on my weird frozen hotdog popsicles and grating them slowly down with my teeth like a beaver. I only do this now when I visit my parents because my mother still buys and freezes hotdogs...just for me.

I like that it has to be buitoni. And that you've experimented with other pestos. This makes this even more strange, and enthralling just the same.

No. No no.

I had a boyfriend call my cereal eating habits "false breakfast" because it never included milk.

I DO THIS. LONG LOST BROTHER, HI. I do put some apple slices on top too. Before microwave, sprinkled in sugar so it lightly caramelizes. Try the oven sometime with apple sauce and it’s a fucking apple cobbler.

Why were you not allowed to wear sunscreen?! I went camping a couple of years back and had to bring a specific shampoo without chemicals, but they warned us beforehand. I imagine it's somewhat along the lines of this (I hope?), but regardless...NO SUNSCREEN!?

That happened to me as a teenager as well! At the Bobbi Brown counter. I was 15! I really just wanted good sunscreen and something to kill the oil that plagued me during those years. SO EVIL

Ya know, I totally think that it's just more enticing for women who don't usually wear makeup to take this field trip. It's simply an exciting look into what makeup is for many women on a daily basis that is intensely unfamiliar for some. I learned how to do my own makeup when I turned 20 through makeup counters at

I don't know. I am 25 years old and when I showed up at the ER a couple of months ago, they were concerned by my heart rate and my lack of energy. They thought I was under some kind of cardiac stress when really I was just in an insane amount of pain and was probably having some intense anxiety. They spent nearly 40

whyyyyy oh whyyyy am i always pending? in a constant state of "pend"


I was the reason my family was given a tour of Joan Rivers' winter vacation home. By Joan Rivers, herself.

I have a horrible VitD deficiency that supplements haven't helped. I've used red light therapy for help with scarring (IT WORKS, GUYS) but I've never considered a short time in a tanning bed, as I grew up in Florida with ridiculous burns and now wear SPF50 even in the winter living in NYC— basal cell removal (benign)

Estee Lauder has an amazing line of SPF moisturizers. I personally use the 50 SPF "All-Day Wear" and it is broad-spectrum UVB/UVA, not greasy, creates no shine, and is perfect under my makeup or without makeup. I have pretty sensitive, combination skin and I've never been disappointed by E.L. products. Also, the SPF