Why not just put this sheet metal over the 370 it looks way better has a great look to it, I normally don't consider Nissans but I would buy this in a heartbeat just for the look alone. The 370 is long in the tooth anyways sales are dipping not because it's a bad platform but because they haven't updated it in years.…
Oh my god lol clipping nails over a garbage can makes my wife so happy to lol. I wish I had known without needing to be trained like the wild mongrel I am / shame shame
LoL full of win.
While the MIC has gotten out of hand recently it is projects like this, that cost tax payers next to nothing unless otherwise acquired yet have other tangential purposes that are immensely valuable to the public at large. The JSF program on the other hand makes me wonder why we didn't just buy more f-22s /sigh
Not to mention there seems to be significant commercial applications as well as military ones. Being able to extend the range like they due and increasing speed could be very valuable for medical as well as wilderness rescue situations. I can imagine news crews would be happy to be able to get to a scene faster as…
Nah the sheer amount of organization required to pull of this stunt should be given props. If that happened to me I would have recorded it for giggles myself. Now, if they were all a holes about it that would be another story. Lax up a bit man, it's not like you have to stay in the match anyways.
Fines do jack all, they knew people would die and literally did nothing about it because it would cost them to much money(I.e. Not really that much money but money is money right?). We need criminal prosecutions, I am pretty sure when this scandal first broke out there was plenty of documentation that GM knew about…
Ok thank god, lol. I understand in NYC but most cities in America don’t have the type of parking infrastructure for this to even really make sense, even in dense population centers. There would just be unused space around the car. Yes I have driven one and it does have the space to accommodate most Americans, it is…
Unless your in NYC, it would define you lol. It says I made a terrible sales decision based off of marketing. This is a fact because it gets worse fuel economy, worse emissions, less room, shoddy drive experience and poor ride quality then any competitively priced compact car or sub compact. There are a lot of options…
It's SAILING not SPEECH MANNERs when will they learn oh the humanity!
The main issue with the av8’s and the tav8b’s was the length of time it took to lift off and landing. Hence greater likelyhood of operator error and or other mechanical failures due to stress on the craft. Having 2 pilots in the TAV8B as opposed to 1 in the AV-8 limited one issue. However, The TAV8B is really only…
what does that have to do with the engineering short comings of the Harrier that cost pilots lives? Mechanical issues has not much to do with combat but more to do with insufficient engineering standards.
with nicknames like the widowmaker(it eats its own pilots) I see no reason to replace it :P
It's illegal to pass a bus in either direction when it's stop sign is deployed. You should know this if you drive.
Gum pert Apollo meets buggati?
Perction is everything, running this ad in 2015/14 would have been smarter than 2012
Red herring is still a red herring. There a numerous reasons as to even if they did have nuclear weapons that they would still not be a threat. Chief among them is any use of a nuclear device by the Iranian government in the Middle East like Israel or Syria for example prevailing wind patterns would carry the fallout…
Me thinks you did not read the article. Aside from that marijuana doesn’t pose a high risk for addiction but a small percentage can be addicted.To stigmatize this small percentage is just an assholish thing to do.
just annoyed by an inefficient government.