
I worked with a bunch of dudes that had code-words for the female body. I just don’t like eating alone and they genuinely seem to like but they’re sexist pigs (I’m a gay man btw).

It used to freak me out when I’d be out for lunch (with straight male co-workers (they’re the only straight men I know)) and their heads would constantly be turning. You get the feeling they’re not listening so I started spinning together weird stories. Say I’d be complaining about our boss or fellow co-worker, I’d

To some men, a woman isn’t interesting unless she’s disrobed.

I love Jag. I just want to make babies with her and sing “Same Shit, Different Day” with her.

In exile, his conviction that the “Jewish rabble” had deceived the German people into betraying its Kaiser and its army fuelled his anti-Semitism to the point of mania.

They might’ve been out of power but several members of their extended branches joined the Nazi party. Even Wilhelm was hoping to return from Holland by the time Hitler came to power but Hitler being such a stuntqueen, didn’t want the emperor to show him up.

Aren’t most royal families in Europe related to Hohenzollerns of Germany anyways?

Is it weird that I’m kind of holding my breath for some sort of scandal involving this foundation? Something along the lines of Grameen and Muhammad Yunus.

What on earth are ‘long nipples’ and ‘tribbing’? Are ‘long nipples’ like that thing Roger did with the plungers?

Was there a Haitian then? It’s been a while since I read the book.

The media sets it up, I feel now. Ever since Jayson Blair, you started seeing more diversity on news channel (from like one token to maybe two) but they’re constantly put in these positions where they’re expected to lower their aims and ambition. Shep Smith or Tucker Carlson can be as ignorant and dumb as fuck but

“he kind of went over the edge when a girl he liked starting dating a black guy two years back”

I think ‘white’ in the US and Canada implies northern European but in many parts of S. America and Africa, ‘white’ can be anyone European or from the Mediterranean world (Syrian, Turkish, Lebanese, etc).

I’m convinced a lot of the social problems of the US would be solved if more people traveled.

My friend’s family is from El Salvador and he was telling me that they once had a leader (around WWII) that was a big fan of Hitler (first point that made no sense) and secondly that that same leader expelled all the Afro-Salvadorans from the country into Honduras (second point that made no sense) because he believed

I once told a Mexicana that there were black/African people in Mexico. She looked at me all confused and said I was lying. Even after we pulled it up on her phone, she walked away rather disgusted. I’ll never pretend to understand Latinos.

The same logic is often at work in the part of Africa my family is from but we don’t think we’re “white” even though they use the word for white in a diminutive way as though to the word for black, which is often in a pejorative fashion.

I was reading Nazi Literature in the Americas and when the book got to the story by the Dominican writer, I was shocked to see that light skinned Dominicans seem themselves as white. I can’t say I’ve ever met a white Latino from the DR but I suppose it is helpful to think that way in order to contrast once standing in

Amazon Pulls Confederate Flag Memorabilia After Unfortunate Sales Spike

This is slightly off-topic but I remember hearing people say that since Bruce could become Caitlin, why could this becky not be black? I don’t understand the logic behind that idea.