
Something about this video had me thinking that guy was playing the magic negro. A little unsettled by something that appears so innocuous.

But the truth is, I lowered my bar — my bar was quite high, if I’m being honest, and as a result I didn’t have the same level of success.

Yes but unlike the UK, Canada has always struggled with that question and it has made and unmade parties at both the provincial and federal levels. The NDP today, the party in opposition and formerly the social-democratic party, now seems to be lockstep with their enemies on the question of sovereignty (at least on a

That’s it. I live in Ontario, not Quebec so I’m going to let them worry about their province. I just don’t want them to leave and go at it alone. If they decide to do so in a referendum, I’d have to accept that but I’m not to going to wish out loud that if they don’t like it, they should leave. That’s being petulant

Obviously you seem to think that feigning cultural superiority is a reason for why a large province ought to leave the Confederation but I’m glad most Canadians don’t think like you. Also, I’d hate to think that along with bad roads, I’d have to go through “Quebecois customs” in order to get to Montreal.

I was actually rooting for the “Yes” side but then my ass would be worried about how that would affect us and the Quebecois so I kept my support of their cause to myself.