
Is ‘graver’ a word? The internet has ruined journalism.

If this was a white person writing about ‘good black people’ it would be deemed offensively racist. But we all know, it’s impossible for any member of the ‘BAME community’ to be racist.

What is PBR? And why are you surrounded by empty cans of it? Are you too ****ing lazy to clean? Can’t find a single plastic bag or box to put them in?

This makes me wonder what you call a ‘tiny’ apartment. I wonder how many people reading this are in even smaller apartments, perhaps sharing with even more people.

Why is

Would you prefer it was called ‘Meghangate’? The media have done this for decades. We have alcohol, and someone addicted to, or dependent on, alcohol, was called an alcoholic. Then someone had the bright idea of calling any addiction ‘-aholic’, even though it’s meaningless. Chocolatic doesn’t have the snap that

Ah yes, from someone in the USA, where they had the choice of the Clinton cunt and Trump.

Jalopnik/Lee says ‘oil prices are creeping up’ but also ‘gas is cheap’. This is, for all practical purposes, meaningless gibberish. Oil prices are creeping up. Faster than inflation? Faster than wages? Are gas prices ‘creeping up’ in line with oil prices?

‘The Tesla Model 3 is selling well’. Compared to what? Tesla’s

Has the English language evolved since I learned it, to the point where I can no longer understand what people are saying? Is English Alanis’ second language? What does ‘The van didn’t collect any other vehicles’ mean?

Or - doesn’t anyone proof-read these days?

I must be seeing a different ‘article’ (if you can call the deranged retarded ramblings I’m attempting to read an ‘article’) to everyone else. I don’t know what ‘saturday night social’ has to do with tips and tricks for cleaning your bath or toaster oven. Perhaps jezebel recycled the url. I think maybe Whitney is one

When I was at school I remember being told that ‘get’ was a lazy word.

During the years I spent in California, outside of the ‘Hollywood’ crowd, I didn’t think Americans in general had better teeth than English people. It is possible that American TV does have a homogenising effect; where everyone apart from Steve Buscemi has had their teeth straightened and veneered and polished to

I’m guessing BMW are making a Rolls Royce SUV due to interest from vulgar ‘new money’ people. My feeling on this is you want an SUV, buy a Range Rover. If you want and buy a Rolls Royce SUV you have a lot of money but absolutely no taste.

if you buy something through our posts, we may get a small share of the sale

So that would make this an ADVERTISEMENT!!!! Or to put it another way, Spend $18 on a bottle that you dont need or want, because were telling you that youre a total loser that no one likes, unless you buy this of course.

if you buy something through our posts, we may get a small share of the sale

So that would make this an

I used to say to a friend of mine that I would love to be able to - for want of a better word - transfer my consciousness into his body for an hour, to understand how he experienced the world, as it seemed very different to mine in some respects. But after some thought I said, let’s make that 10 minutes. An hour might

They aren’t ‘undocumented immigrants’. They are ILLEGALS. They have no legal right to be in the United States, and should be removed. Ah yes, ‘Obamacare’. “If you like your healthcare plan, you will be able to keep your healthcare plan.” If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor.” “We’re going to

Move to England and buy one -