
I’ll bet he’s already been hired.

Yup. Came to post the same. It wasn’t a secret.

“...misdemeanor in 2008 for attacking his ex-girlfriend and firing a gun.”

No, no, you’re supposed to saythose words don’t reflect who I am.” as if it wasn’t you who said it. Then tell us about how some black person who works for you will vouch that you’re the least racist person and then pivot into a “what about black on black crime?”.

Throw this asshole off a roof. 

Now playing

Can you even imagine what it would even look like if Obama tried to whoop the ass of every politician that said some racist shit about him???

I know Obama is too classy to whip these fools asses but just one day I wish he would roll up on these clowns and be like: “You got some more smart shit to say about me?” Then he proceeds to beat that ass like they stole something. Since they expect the worst from us may as well live up to the stereotype. Stop being

Something something Free Speech trillion dollar valuation IPO IPO IPO something something Black Israelites?

What’s Nose Ring got to say about this?

Then she considered the guy a puss for “not standing up to his sister” 

What I think was less realistic was that they all had a lot of free time to date and socialize. Like Miranda the law partner would not have time to meet up with them for breakfast on a weekday morning (!).

And while Steve was the closest to working class the show ever got, I’m pretty sure his ‘poverty’ was a major plot point that almost got him dumped in the first place. It’s been a long time since I’ve watched, but my entire take away from Steve was that the whole point of his character was Miranda being able to look

I had the same thought. They would SEE Black people, like, on the subway, but that group would have been white. Maybe they’d have had Black acquaintances, clients, colleagues (and even then ... art, PR, and corporate law are pretty white industries), but the core four would 100% have been white.

That’s what I was thinking. Those women from that class would not have a diverse (read black) set of real friends. Giving an extra tip to Barbara at Starbucks is not considered a friend. 

“KEEP IT REAL, KEEP IT REAL!!” ughhhh...I hate this episode with a passion. I did like this show in general but this was easily the most cringe worthy episode for me. Hate it. 

That group of friends would definitely be all white in real life. You never see terrible ass white people like that with anyone who’d challenge their grotesque world view.

Now playing

...I remember one time black folk were a part of an Sex In The City Plot

They understand. They just like to diminish it to “just a Band-Aid” while bitching about HBCUs and Black History Month and whine about not being able to hurl the n word like grandpa. It’s not “just” any damn thing and they know it.

People really dont understand the impact of this. I remember going over how “flesh” (i.e. White) color things like Band Aids, body suits etc in college in my political science class. The other people in class, especially the White people, didnt understand why this was a big deal to us. They didnt or couldnt understand

Welp, it’s Monday. So...