
As a teacher, I came across a lot of parents like this. They always declare they would Die For Their Kids, or Take A Bullet For Them, or some such bullshit. Meanwhile, they treat the kids like a pet. They genuinely love them, and would be shattered if they lost them. But make them choose between what’s best for the

“He would have died for her,”...

The police? They wouldve done it for free.

I like how the judge suggested a biker gang as a more neutral group of murderers for hire.

Omar need only file an investigation of hate speech and threatening behavior and Patton will see how far her Massa’s are willing to protect her niggrant ass.

In any civilized country yes...

Sad? This is some dangerous shit. In most any country in the world, deaths threats like these would get those people arrested.

“Brandon called the KKK because who else was he going to call?” Soderdahl said. “It had nothing to do with the color of his skin.”

It’s hilarious how scared of Mayor Pete you Bernie bots are. Sure, his policy positions aren’t well fleshed out at this point, but you all see that he’s a charismatic guy who seems to play well to mainstream dems. And mainstream dems are who ultimately decide who the candidate will be, not the far-left Splinter

84,000 followers. Who says cooning doesn’t pay.

Fuck, the amounts of vitriol in those comments is sad. 

For the five thousandth time: All Skin Folk, Ain’t your kin folk. Don’t worry Lynne. They’ll toss your ass aside when they done with you too. Looking forward to you, Candace Ownes and Diamond & Slik going on your Fade to Black tour. I mean literally fade to black.

Exactly, this allows those viewers to hear Democrats’ ideas without a Fox News spin on them (Medicare for All vs. socialist healthcare, etc.). It’s not going to change most of the viewers minds but some might hear something they like and reconsider where they stand. Fox News viewers are not the monolith the commenters

Russ! Let me get five dollars...

Literally was her turn and I’m sick of hearing how it wasn’t.  She put in her dues, paid her time, and had the sickest political resume ever.  You don’t want a woman POTUS and that’s fine, well not really, but don’t pretend she wasn’t THE candidate that was supposed to win.

It would have worked if she wasn’t handicapped by international chauvinists.  Don’t act like Putin was the only one.

Fox News is probably thinking “This is terrible.... but LOOK AT THOSE RATINGS!”

I think he’s speaking directly to Trump with that comment. They know he’s watching and they know he loves ratings almost as much as he loves himself. They are telling him he should pretend to give a shit about this fire because it will be good for HIS ratings.

Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. What the fuck have ass maggots ever done to you?

“And, probably, the ratings went through the roof...”

Given what happened to the wooden structures of Notre Dame, I think this is the appropriate place to insert that old Archer “Are we not doing phrasing anymore” JPG.

Seriously, talk about an absolute lack of tact or consideration for the loss the French—and, indeed,