Yeah, but a lot of the ones who are racist own guns and will shoot on sight.
Yeah, but a lot of the ones who are racist own guns and will shoot on sight.
I do not either, he is a low profile guy, really quiet, he is doing millions every minute in a quite manner, some people say he is gay so... maybe he is mad because he is not attractive to Slim?
It could actually be much faster than that.
Even Arizona turned blue for a hot second! Arizona!
Proving once again that women and girls have NO value in this country.
That poor girl. She must feel like she has absolutely no fucking support.
Oh god this is fucking disgusting. This monster raped a 12 year old relative and this judge thinks 17 days in jail and losing his fucking job is enough because his sick family still supports him and he goes to fucking church? I am having a hard time keeping my goddamn face still and neutral as I type this at my desk.…
He did spend 17 days in jail, and he did lose his job.
Well people, he goes to church, there is nothing to see there, his sins will be forgiven.
His base is so wound up for conspiracy theories they will connect their own dots. That’s really how he always does this shit. He’ll bring up the fact that this man is a rich Mexican (suspicious!), contributed to Hillary (smoking gun!), and is a shareholder of the New York Times (corrupt liberal media!). That’s enough…
Actually, Judge McKeon, only Presidents get to issue pardons in the waning days of their terms. Not judges.
Guys... guyyys.... Trump’s not that bad. I mean definitely, DEFINITELY VOTE FOR HILLARY, but he COULD be president, ya know? He might win! He just might! He’s not like, disqualified or anything, just like, not a good choice. But he’s a choice! He’s very popular, after all! And he... created jobs? Or something! So yeah…
He’s probably also jealous that Slim is an ACTUAL billionaire instead of a pretend one.
Honestly Mexico, your neighbors to the north aren’t all fucking racists.
He’s just jealous that he didn’t get that awesome name. ‘Carlos Slim’. That is 80s buddy cop level awesomeness right there. With a name like that, the man was clearly destined for great things.
I’ve been unable to post photos on Kinja, but let’s pretend there is one below this message of someone desperately GRASPING AT STRAWS.
Well Melania is trying to sue People Magazine. Anything’s possible.
SERIOUSLY!!?? WHAT THE FU************K?