
Unrelated : I need a Malia and Sasha fashion watch blog because these girls outfits are amaaaaazing!

I know I do and he’s younger than me.

To be fair, we also all wish Michelle was our mom, too.

My dad had this to say about Trump: “what kind of man says that about his daughter and lets other men say that about her, too?”

I think everyone kind of wishes, deep down, that Obama was their dad.

I can’t help but feel somewhere deep in her heart she wishes Obama was her real father.

Their brand is in the toilet.

Yeah. You have to be groomed to think this is okay.

If anything Tiffany is the “normal” one - trying to distance herself as much as possible from her orange buffoon sperm donor

Ivanka Trump is definitely not the “normal” one. She’s a bit more self-aware and has slightly more modern sensibilities than daddy but she’s every bit the branding opportunist that he is.

This could be the funniest documentary ever, and your time would still be better spent watching Stop Making Sense, which is just a fucking masterpiece.

It’s apples and oranges. It’s all disgusting and equally bad. He’s racist, he’s sexist, he’s violent towards women... I don’t think we can compare the use of the N word to his treatment of women. He’s a horror show to everyone.

Baby Jesus, thank you for my smokin’ hot wife... and please release more racist sexist toupéed Velveeta tapes!

Instead of a monsoon of raisins it’ll be a deluge of cherries

I think this is deplorably true. That being said, I DO think the more glaring evidence of his contemptible racist views, the harder it will be for some of my so-called “progressive” contemporaries to justify voting for him. It’s like, they can shrug off his xenophobic/nativist/supremecist rhetoric, but oh no, you

Especially since it’s sponsored by Macy’s and broadcast by NBC, both of whom terminated their contracts with Trump last year over his remarks. The irony would be the icing and the maraschino cherry on the cake!

Here’s what’s frustrating about this: We already knew he was a racist. He’s already dehumanized black americans, latino americans, muslim americans. He’s a racist.