
He’s been on a lot. He was their republican voice at the conventions. Personally I welcome the balance, and it helps NPR to slough off the left-wing accusations to have right-wing voices alongside the lefties. That’s real journalism, and I don't think they're faking it, we just aren't used to hearing it anymore.

The original leak of the photo of him in Somalia was sourced by the conservative Drudge Report and is unsubstantiated, as far as I know. That’s the supposed origin of the secret Muslim African rumors.

That’s good to hear, as weak as it still is on the part of the media, cumulatively. I’m pretty sure this campaign is just a Trump infomercial. Punked indeed, all are we.

I’ve had NPR on for about two hours this morning and they are repeating the statement “That is false” every time they mention his claim that Hillary “started it.” It's wonderful. Or as wonderful as a bowl of dog shit with a maraschino cherry on top can be.

Wowzah. This dynamic could warrant a college course. I have made comment mistakes before, and I try to learn from them. I value the exposure of my thoughts to others’ perspectives; it keeps me in an evolving posture. I do not appreciate an accusation like that with zero arguments to prop it up. That’s a clear troll

And honestly, that’s ok! I fully admire him and revere his work — it fills a space in the zeitgeist that no one else can claim to rival. If he can keep doing work like that around racial themes, that's amazing. It's what he knows. Write what you know, as they say.

Explain how that's in any way racist.

That rape sequence was pure male fantasy, that she's just resisting because she feels like she has to in order to be chaste and therefore desirable. But if she gets a taste of what my Very Special Dick can do, she'll love it and beg for more, so I'm just going to keep ignoring her resistance. Fuck you, Spike.

In their minds, if you say Yes a lot, you always say Yes, even when you say No.


I had the same Fisher Price tape thingy with a brown/lighter brown tape player! I recorded myself at like 5 saying inane things to my mom about pushing buttons and talking to my bird, not a hip hopera or anything. Off to die. Byeeeee.

She needs to stop being so perfect. Grrrr

I dunno I think he'd be on Molly all the time. But fun!

My ovaries just did the (insert latest dance move) looking at this hot dork. Why do women go for the bad boy who will do coke while watching your child and dodge child support payments when there’s a totally solid married prince dork out there for the taking? Oh yeah there’s only one and he’s married to the most

So basically they know their legal team can outspend any artist. Well played. Nihilo sanctum estne and all that.

I want Leslie Jones on a steady diet of Red Bull and Mountain Dew Code Red cocktails to moderate the debates, armed with a pugil stick.

It’s called self-preservation. We’re all going to be buying Mormon-style emergency feed rations and duct tape and old school desks to duck and cover under if this asscheek zit wins.

Yes, as though racism, sexism, xenophobia, islamophobia, “you name it,” are matters for debate. Good god.

Ugh god the fingers inside her sleeve poor girl’s got Stockholm Syndrome for sure. Or else she likes the attention. Blechhhhh

I never noticed the SALT SHAKER until now. Definitely necessary on fried fucking chicken.