
There was a Bloom County story line in the late 80s/early 90s where Trump’s “brain” was transplanted into Bill the Cat.

He already does. I hope the sides of his heart blow out like old tires by January.

Nacho breakdown.

Is it a day that ends in a Y? Then yes.

Anybody else get the feeling he’ll have serious health issues by June? Like debilitating and can’t do the job health issues? He’ll have to hand it over to that cousin humping twatwaffle...

The cheeto lost all his dust.

Sounds like it. His narcissistic brain can’t fathom anyone not voting for him.

Doubt it, to lose your mind you have to have one in the first place.

For him to have a breakdown, he has to start at sane.

Is Cheeto having a mental breakdown??

Where is the pic of the dog pooping in the newspaper mouth of the Grifter Elect when ya need it?

I’m pretty sure Romney has declined the Secretary of State position and Conway is acting on Trumps orders to malign him. Then it can look like he “rejected” Romney because his followers didn’t approve. It scares me how easily he seems to be able to get his talking points out to the media and covered as facts.

trumps very own shell game. bait&switch

HOW does he think there is any way he won the popular vote? He is somehow claiming that he totally legitimately won, but also that it was rigged.

His Twitter meltdown today is so... true to form.

I agree... Still, all we can know for certain in life is who we are and the only control we have in life is our own decisions. Who they chose to be? The decisions they made? Deplorable. I have my worries for the future as well and, really, who knows how this will all play out? One thing is for certain, the world is

Saw him last summer on same trail, riding his bike with his security person. I am a non confrontational person so I just gave him the stink-eye that time, but the sight of his frowny faced pus filled noggin in a bike helmet still gives me the shivers.

One of my proudest moments as a citizen of SF was when we had an active petition to rename the sewage reclamation center out on The Great Highway after GW Bush, which unfortunately did not come to pass.

More like Mar-A-Leggo My Uterus, AM I RIGHT???