
Here Donald, can you pick the most flattering picture of yourself from this sheet of photo proofs?

Sooo....losing weight (or at least getting it sucked out of your face via “Lifestyle Lift”) isn’t an option? Dude’s a billionaire and his wife’s a plastic surgery Horowitz (virtuoso). HE SHOULD KNOW THIS!

Ew. The visual style of anime is soooooo creepy. Those huge eyes make my skin crawl.

Now I’m wondering if he still has the car or if he’s driving something else these days. The Thanksgiving in question was approx. 10 years ago..

if he doesn’t like us looking at him like that, how ‘bout try not looking like that.

I’m gonna go with my gut and assume that this is gonna end well.

Sorry Adolf, I watched the whole campaign from start to finish. And bish, you totally put on that campaign weight. Ain’t no bitching about double chin photos is going to change that.

He’s got one hand perpetually curled into a point.

I mean, the guy did this on the campaign trail:

I’m just going to start a whole list of news items titled “Things We Should Have Seen Coming” and this is going right at the fucking top. Fuck me gently with a chainsaw, I’m not even surprised by this.

This is one of those rare situations when Donald and I agree, because I would also prefer not to look at him.

Hey, if they want to open up fraud discussions - how about the fishy looking vote totals in WI counties as it relates to paper ballots vs. digital-only ballots and 2012 vs. 2106. We can all go right down the rabbit hole all the way to the bottom if that’s what everyone wants.

The fact that Republican run election commissions are by and large telling him he’s full of shit, bodes well. Ultimately I think even the GOP-ful Legislature in NC is mindful both of the folks at home and their reputation nationally. I know they rammed HB2 through, but I think the backlash has chastened them a bit and

This is the right wing, in a nutshell. I’m so sick and tired of hearing how they give a fuck about the people of this country and how it’s the evil elites on the left who are the real villians. The right care about power, holding power and using it to fuck over as many people as possible before they lose it. Fuck

I’m almost embarrassed to write this: one Thanksgiving, my cousin tried to set me up with her brother (also my cousin). I hadn’t seen them for years and the brother leered at me all day. When his sister tried to gauge my interest in him, I was like: what! we are cousins! Her reply was that we were only 2nd cousins and

I am pessimistic because it simply triggered a purge of all alleged coup participants and further suppression of the media.

Maybe my threshold for embarrassment is a lot higher, because this is mild. Even for a Prince in public.

I actually am the embarrassing relative.