

NO PROBLEM, PAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They snort snark around these parts, youngun.

Imagine what would have happened to Justice League based off of its first episode.

Why did we never get a Pfish and Chip full series?

I thought the show had both at the same timeā€¦I did not watch Full House.

They're the same person.


I am so damn happy that someone else know The Walking Dead tv sucks.

I loooovve cheese!

I wish this would work on just established franchises. Basically, if the fans think something based off of a previous work is shit, then kill it with fire!!

Yeah, and it probably has my favorite original cartoon song.

Good point. A year or two ago, they never really showed them.


Indeed he doesn't fuck around, indeed.

Benson truly is the best. Also, I love this episode.

Did you try it yet? :)

Gambling in Pokemon Red/Blue. The card game in Final Fantasy VIII. Both had serious payoffs (ok, only in their game worlds). I love starting out with Squall's 2nd to last weapon right before the Seeds training finals.