Matthew Baker

Far more people die in numerous other ways on a daily basis. Besides, I’d rather have my freedom in driving, eating, owning guns, etc, than live in a nanny state where politicians think they know best and the rest of us are morons. How well is that federal government working again? Everything they touch, regardless of

I agree that I don’t like driving in cities, but I don’t live in the city, so what am I supposed to do with my car when I get there, pay a huge parking fee? I also dread the thought of having to rent a robot car or use taxis at ridiculous prices too. I rather get stuck in traffic and just pay the high parking fee.

Criminals don’t care about the law, that’s what makes them criminals! They will just get their guns on the black market and leave law-abiding citizens without guns for self defense against those criminals. You can’t wait for the cops to arrive when a madman is coming at you with a gun or other weapon, especially in