
1) Disney buys Star Wars (LucasFilm as a whole) for infinity billion Republic credits

It built character.

Yes, Piccolo. The guy who left a 4 year old out in the wilderness to survive on his own for 6 months before spending the next 6 months beating him up over and over again. Father of the year material, there.


He’s A Dim Son...

Tebow’s NFL highlights should be more than sufficient to counter the idea of white supremacy.

Now playing

Respectfully, this is the one true choice:

My take was:

“There are worse horror stories, too; people are reporting fights breaking out, lines blocking traffic...” people driving for 40 minutes and then spending an hour in line...

Mina Kimes for the win.

Hey, Cam, remember how you feel when people ask if a black QB can learn the intricacies of an NFL offense?

*rolls eyes* Great another internet financier. Have you ever heard of the Glossom-Bogar Effect? How are you going to keep the Gladus curve in nominal alignment? Everyone is all like “Oh why don’t we just let people work for money to buy things!” I didn’t go to the Xavier School Of Magic Finance for nothing you know.

Seems like CSPD ought to be less worried about the calls coming from journalists, and more worried about the calls

There’s actually another reason:

Oh yes. You nailed it.

As a non-Pats fan, let me just say: fuck ALL of you Pats fans.