
They’re good for...

This may shock you, but most people don’t get tattoos in order to get your attention. If it’s narcissistic to decorate your own body in a way that is meaningful or pleasing to you, then I assume you also just really, really hate it when people get a haircut.

Now playing

This really is shaping up to be the best season of this show yet. Their creativity continues to astound me (and I’m not just saying that because Rick is a loyal customer). No doubt the addition of more women and people of color has something to do with their continued ability keep the show fresh and interesting. For

This is a bunch of libturd cuck nonsense. There is no division within the Trump administration. Everyone is singularly focused on Making America Great again, and the fakenews PC narrative can’t handle it. Look, here Kushner (left) and Bannon (guess) are at a recent #MAGA rally, does this look like a sign of

That John Tyler little factoid just blew my mind. Looked it up, still can’t process that being true.

Tyler, like a lot of rich guys back then, remarried after his wife died. So he had a son when he was 63 (1853 or early 1854). Then his son did the same thing at age 70 and 75. The grandsons are 93 and 89.

I think there’s a lot of people who would take re-animated Andrew Jackson as president over Trump, and he was a definite racist who owned a parrot that spoke so foul that it got kicked out of his funeral.

If you don’t actually care much about music sure get a DJ. If music is a passion, find a band that kicks ass and have those talented artists perform for you.

Ice Town Clown doesn’t get it.

And here’s the part that hurts the most
Humans cannot ride a ghost
Bye Bye Lil Sebastian.

Imagine being the kind of person who defends the NFL on a sports blog!

You seem to be a dipshit.

They don’t want it anymore because it means the NFL can essentially control the research they do. $16 million dollars isn’t that useful if you can’t use it to actually study what you’re supposed to. It’s not that complicated. If I’m studying gun violence and the NRA gives me $16 million, but gets to decide what I

Sure thing, Vizzini

Cop here. 41. White. I don’t look like that. But you aren’t wrong.

Little looks like every single white cop under 40.

Wait, you like the Sandsnakes? I always thought they were the weakest part of the show- very one note, weird dialogue (“but you need the bad pussy!”) that doesn’t flow like anyone else’s lines, a plot that makes very little sense (so the people of Dorne are just going to entirely abandon House Martell and allow

Having your name and at most e-mail posted to the web (or in the local paper, or on a telephone pole, or in a truck stop bathroom) is a long, long way from identity theft. That’s a term that has meaning.