
What did delirious Christine say? Something about spiders?

Kevin wasn't bit by the dog. That bite mark on Kevin's left hand clearly looks like it came from a human mouth and not a dog. So who bit Kevin?

The current handgun laws in NYC are extremely harsh. If those laws are still the same three years after the great poofing, hotel security could have turned Nora over to the NYPD, even if back in her home town she purchased her revolver legally.

"… I wonder how much credence there is to "Nora Durst"'s conspiracy theory/rant about the department of the departed (or whatever) being a way to keep the masses (at least kind of) happy?"


But what a hot one!

The freak show outside the NY conference certainly gave us an interesting sampling of the paranoia running rampant since the great 'poofing'. But seeing as the Feds are exterminating cult groups, people have good reason for paranoia.

Nah, she's sleeping in them!

old fat white guy

It really is ATFE. But there was a time when they tried to brand themselves as "ATF", because you see all the cool agencies are known by three letter acronyms!

I'm mostly surprised no GR were shot by a spooked resident during the Grinch raid. But how can the cops prosecute without any proof? The GR did seem to plan the raid pretty carefully.

Just C tagged on. From real world ATFE to The Leftovers "ATFEC".

Hello Sonia