
Queef Latifa is more your speed.

There are more Indians than white people in the world.

The Retard Squad should stay away.

Ghosts have sex all the time in this universe. It's nothing special.

Spoiler, dumbass: it was a parody

You dumbshit. The scene is originally killing a bunch of white people.

I love how you morons ignore your Black Jesus telling illegal kids to stay away.

Hillary parents are the racist ones, dumbass.


That dumb ho Rosie forgot she hated Bush too. 

SJWs love being miserable.

You assholes will do that regardless.

Jussie did it.

By ending slavery?

Go back to your shithole.

Libtard, Hillary wouldn't do shit for this guy.

Trump won more Mexicans than Romney.

Go back to your shithole.

You are as street as Lena Dunham.

Quiet snowflake.