
What if it was a Nazi peacefully protesting?

This site went Super Woke like ten years ago.

If it was, they would still be reviewing decent shows.

Better than yours for George Floyd.

Yeah they really be covering DemocratIC criminality.....

Thank God that now the late night guys can go back to ignoring Democrat criminality.

LOL At 40, she was just starting her second most popular role.

Yeah, get it from an angry senile mob boss career politician!

Shooter eats pieces of shit like you for breakfast.

Everything woke turns to crap.

Why would anyone care about a Superman-like hero movie where the bad guys are just normal, non-superpowered criminals?

Why does the multicultural, multiracial, wannabe woke company want to usher in a Nazi Superhero regime?

“Learned” Northerners lost most of the time, dipshit.

They were winning battles for three years, dumbass.

Homophobia practiced by everyone, dumbshit. Even the North.


Trump is woke compared to most Koreans, dummy.

Go back to your shithole.

The Fatty Pantsuit One lost. Get over it.

You lost to Bush and Trump. Get over it.