
Racing is a dangerous sport. Its part of the game. Might I suggest the Golf Network for all you people that are trying to destroy racing through your regulations. Nicely >>>>> FUCK OFF

I agree completely ! No one is holding a gun to those guys head making them be an F1 ROCK STAR! what’s next? Doing away with electric guitars because the risk of electrocution is too high? There’s far too many pussies in control in today’s world. Keep it up and you’ll kill F1 with all the BS rules and watch the die

What a fucking loser you are. Tell you what, leave the motorcycles to the men and you stick to blowing your buddy while you play X Box in you pretend world.

I thought I was the only one that recalled those days

RA is too out dated safety wise for modern F1 and NO ONE is willing spend the money to bring it up to current spec.

I hate social media as much as Bernie. The fucking kids today are a bunch of pussies because of social media. Their future is bleek

Good to hear justice was served ! Fuck that piece of dog shit!

Every time I hear that someone is fixing the opioid problem I get a sick feeling in my gut. Here’s the deal... There are thousands of people that are functioning adults today BECAUSE OF OPIODS ! Take me first example. I’m a small business owner that works 7 days a week because after 3 spinal surgeries I live in so

If you think an F1 sounds like a Prious you too stupid to be talking out loud

UNREAL ! The current turbo F1 cars have already done more to help road cars than anything from racing in decades and you want them gone? That is retarded

If you stop believing everything you’ve been told since birth that you have ZERO PROOF is true you might figure out Shack is right and you are just a follower that’s scared to challenge the lies! We have ALL been lied to about almost everything. And while we’re at it we haven’t been to the damn moon either. But that’s

Where do you people come from? Are you paid by CNN to get on here and lie? Trump will easily be the best president in US HISTORY. GET OVER IT THERES NO WAY YOU CAN STOP IT FROM HAPPENING ! YOU CAN PRINT EVERY WISHFUL THOUGHT IN YOUR LITTLE HEADS AND YOU’LL NEVER CHANGE ANYTHING .. Enjoy I know I will

You liberals like to claim Hillary got the most votes but you don’t like to discuss how many of those votes were cast by illegals in sanctuary cities that encouraged illegals to vote. She did not win the popular vote if you only count legal votes cast by US citizens.