We live in a world filled with pussies. I don't see any problem with a little ass kicking
We live in a world filled with pussies. I don't see any problem with a little ass kicking
Fuck the whole millennial bunch. They will be the generation that destroys America. They'll also be the ones to learn what being a slave really is. That's the only part of their shit I find makes me smile. They think their shit is funny and they think the rest of the world is going to smoke dope with them singing by…
You bunch of liberal pussies been making threats and running your mouths for two years now. Keep attacking our President with your bull shit and you’ll see where it will go. You can live in denial but the simple truth is the ones of you that spout off how the masses disapprove of him are the same few that shoot that…
What planet you from. Everyone I know changes their own oil. I guess I just know poor people
He uses Obama because all you idiotic Democrats think Obama was above reproach. The next thing... people that get all worked up over predictive text substituting in a word that a person failed to catch are weak little losers desperate to be relevant.
Sounds to me like some little whore that's trying to get her 15 minutes of fame at the expense of some poor fuckers life. Once again a female that waited 10 years to open her mouth for anything other than inserting some cock. My guess, she is likely after a law suit with big money attached because her stripper career…
You are a fucking retard. If you actually think people are dying from prescription pills that are over prescribed today like they were 10 years ago you likely think Hillary won the election to. Deaths today are nothing more than run of the mill drug addicts with NEEDLES IN THEIR ARMS. Same needles and same arms that…
I think the color is awesome. Think Mopar and their willingness to apply bright colors to their muscle cars. It's the correct choice
The whole damn country except the brain dead liberals still want to see the black bastards birth certificate and his school transcripts that have been locked away from the public's eyes. The piece of scum wasn't born in the USA and should be jailed for treason
Bitch you're nothing but a loud mouth wimp. If you really want blood like you think you do, keep up the attacks but you might stock up on bandages first. You and all those like you mistake the desire for peace shown by us conservatives with your false belief that you are in any way tough. Idiot
You bunch of retarded liberals think a lying, criminal is the leader America needed? Just know you will lose in November and yet again in 2020..
What a bunch of pussies. Its lit ... lol!!
I agree 100% with you. What they never stopped to consider was the chronically affected patients that have no other way to cope but turn to illegal means that are placed and often times kill. It's like this... if you pour gas onto a person and set fire to them the natural human response is to stop the pain even if…
And yet blacks call each other the N word like most everyone else breaths in air. And isn't it funny how no one ever gets in trouble for that. They do this between breaths from calling white people crackers and any other vile names they can dream up. And you never hear anything about that.
MotoGp is very popular right now but if you’re an older, knowledgeable, fan you can see that electronics are killing it no different than F1. MotoGp is supposed to be prototype racing except DORNA have over the last couple of seasons turned it into spec racing. They got to get over trying to limit things like wings…
You’re an idiot.. clearly you’ve never been anywhere outside your mom's basement.
I don’t care if they take the kids of criminals away. This is not something new. They been removing kids from criminal parents that put them in danger my whole life and I’m 54 years old. Coming into America ILLEGALLY IS A CRIME JUST LIKE ROBBING AN BANK OR DEALING DRUGS. If the government left kids in the home of a…
Well no one really knows what set this off. She claims it was because he didn’t want to take change for payment, BUT WHERES HER VIDEO PROOF FOR THAT? I don’t believe anything these people so quick with a video camera in your face have to say. I say it’s just some black person looking for a law suit or their 15 minutes…
What century are you living in? In today’s world the fathers are raising the kids after divorces. In another time long ago the mother did end up with the kids but that time ended. Today all the mother wants is the child support money and forget the kids she’s got a warm wet spot that she just can’t seem to get off her…
I remember when t but e C4 came out it was trick for its day. Compared to now it looks like ass.