
While they didn’t mention Oculus, it will be playable with the Rift. SteamVR isn’t the walled garden Oculus Home is.

If their market is the east and west, it will fail in the west. Our broadband structure is just leaps and bounds behind theirs. Until there is a business model breakthrough that doesn't involve the cable/telecommunications companies screwing the consumer over in the US, this will never fully take on here. As I

I think the best strategy at this stage is for Google to do a Nexus 4 v2, a Nexus 5 v2, a Nexus 6 v1., etc.. screen size is beginning to be the defining choice in what a mobile users wants, and randomly changing screen size to hit a magic number everyone wants to hold in there hands seems like an exercise in futility.

One thing that Apple really needs is a cleaner, unified, better branded storefront. Seriously, coming from Android, Apple's app and device storefronts are confusing as hell.

Here's my list:

helping to fill that hole

Have worn near-smart watches for a solid decade now (nearly every Garmin). Here are a few points I've found:

This is a tough one for me, and much of the problem is that I'm actually a bit of a watch fanatic. I own some rather nice Swiss pieces, and enjoy them for all the reasons most who own such watches do. But, even with the neat tricks this new gadget can perform, it would hardly take the place of my trusty analogue

I'm not sure that hurricane of spittle is really doing your brand any favours.

I'm sorry for your loss. No gamer should out live their consoles.

Pretty much. I'm a little doubtful that the slim will look as nice as the standard 4 model, and I'm also doubtful Sony's going to be in any rush to make a slim model anytime soon-hell, maybe not until 2016, even-but much as I'd love to have a PS4 now, I'm real, real good with letting it go through some firmware

So what qualifies as a public figure? Sex tape released? Tax evasion? Rape charges? Murder convictions? Herpes? Assault? Celebrity death-match parody? Star in a terrible movie? Have eight kids? Rap? Face Tattoo? Cheated on their spouse? Abused their children? Owe child support? Fathered multiple

Seeing this game pop up reminds me of something I talked about with my friend just a little bit ago.

Suspend/resume on a console is game changing, literally and figuratively. It makes the Vita easily my favorite platform, as a working dad.

I grew up on RPGs. Easy choice to make.

I'm behind you on this one. I played Everquest and a bit of Ultima Online, even Sierra's The Realm before them. Ever since WoW came out, every MMO has tried to cater to the masses, or they think making a game challenging means making it an endless treadmill.

I dont know if anybody else had noticed this but looking at the document, I wanted to compare it to my phone I have now (samsung galaxy nexus) and I saw the size of the phone itself and it appears to be smaller than the galaxy nexus.