
Played through MGS1, 2, 4 and Portable Ops. Currently working my through MGS3 on Vita and will need to beat Peace Walker on Vita as well. Once I finish up these last 2 games I'll be ready for a MGS5. May wait a year or more after its release though as I want to play it on PS4 and don't have one yet.

Where is my damn Vita love?

Release Type-o on Vita and I'll buy it.

Just waiting for the Vita release so I can get in on the Minecraft experience.

Really awesome to see an update like this on an older game. I have it on Steam, but never got around to playing it. May have to go back to it after playing through BL2 on my Vita.

Why is the phone in the leading pic in the bushes?

Today, you won.

My objective is to wait until the Black Friday sales to pick up a 3DS XL on the cheap. Then, when the New 3DS XL hits next year in NA, I will pick up one of those and give my old XL to the wife for multiplayer.

Great info here. Thanks!

Yep, my PS3 died this year and I don't plan to get another. So as of now I'm not able to play the FFXIII trilogy. I do plan to pick up a PS4 down the road (within the next couple of years) and can see a re-release of that trilogy for the system, but absolutely no word on something like that happening from SQENIX.

Now to finally purchase a 3DS XL. It feels so good to wait on gaming tech and get the best version of each console. I think I'll stick to this purchasing trend.

I don't have a PS3, 360, PS4 or One. I have a PC, a Vita and an Android Tablet (Nexus 7). Looks like PC will be fore AAA titles, Vita for indies and Tablet for mobile. Should be set for a while.

Made me smile.

Agreeing with some of the folks here that 7 years is a good long time for a console to live. Wouldn't say that I'm all that disappointed in my PS3 going away, but I haven't any plans to fix it or purchase another. Those funds would go to a PS4. I was more disappointed with the 360 hardware and that has pushed me away

I can very much agree with the "tank like" description of Sony's 1st version hardware.

That is a very pretty piece of hardware.

I guess, after seeing the first previews and not knowing much about the game, I was hoping it was going to be less shooting. More like, the character can slow/stop time to be creative in escaping/subduing enemies/situations. Here we have another 3rd person shooter with fancy effects and slow motion. I'm sure there