
@Grewal: Here you are:

For android to chrome browser:

@dugpol: Tasker is your friend.

@casperiv: I agree completely. I also believe that we will eventually move away from the term "phone" as smartphones move further and further into the realm of mobile computing.

Anyone that posts a comment on this article saying that Apple isn't looking to be #1 is in denial. Apple and Steve Jobs himself strive to be #1 in quality, sales, etc.

WoW players will rejoice.

Oh how I love ASUS motherboards. Also love their laptops.

Couldn't find him a table or didn't want to find him a table?

Living in Austin, TX and having Whataburgers all over the place really works out for me. I have lots of burnt orange gear (Longhorns).

Excellent feature. Keep em comin.

@Singlefin: Right, but what a lot of people forget is that anyone can attend the HOA meetings and/or join the HOA of their hood.

The bezels separating the screens really kill it for me when it comes to gaming.

What's an arcade?

I love how things didn't really escalate until the DS was taken away.

Wow, my son's treehouse is larger than that.

Very cool in an artsy, music video kind of way, but I was looking forward to a more stationary time lapse view.

Where's the Nexus One 720p recording love?

Does ATI have an Optimus equivalent?