
I see no need using Froyo on the N1.

I keep to the strength and yoga exercises on Wii Fit for 45min/day and it has worked out quite well.

@pz: Previously when dialing out on your phone using Google Voice you would have to wait a few seconds for the call to connect through Google's voice servers.

The main reason I visit Giz, other than reading tech articles, is to participate in commenting.

I'm glad I purchased a spare battery a couple of weeks ago for mine.

Outstanding. Would love to see this level of physics applied to modern games.

@strideo: It's a toy. Remember when you were younger and had action figures? It's the same thing.

I can finally put the buttered popcorn away. Thank you for another great performance.

This is how it will go down. We will not have manually controlled flying cars.

1 - Chocolate

@clearbox: What would be the right thing to do in your opinion?

What's this all about?

@Wozamil: I will be completely surprised if a recall is announced.

People still physically type to text?

Asus is still #1 in my heart.

That's a great idea. Keep it free and keep it coming.