
Don't push him or he'll omnislash your ass.

@lolbrbnvm: Oh, come on. Of course people understand there are other problems in the universe. There will always be "bigger" problems.

That's just great. I finally ran out of butter.

@steviejobz: Yeah, and I hate how people make you read this website.

@Slinkytech: I have overly chapped lips from all the popcorn I've been eating while watching this shit storm unfold.

Can we get a bigger frickin logo on the side please?

@gundaman: Right, but you still have to make an initial game purchase.


I still think there should be a free downloadable version for all MMOs. Download the game, pay for your subscription, then start playing.

@tomsomething: No, their parents probably bought them feature phones that didn't require a frickin data plan and weren't priced like smartphones.


I remember playing Farmville back in the day when it was called HARVEST MOON.

Cue the Steve Jobs pose.

Love the tie.

Customer: "Hello? Hi, yes. I'm trying to watch my new HDTV and it just doesn't seem to be working for me."

@Matt0505: If they want more money they should provide the Free version of their service to more devices in order to generate more advertising revenue.

So you wanna put Hulu Plus on my PS3 for $10/month but you can't put Hulu Free on there for, I dunno, FREE?