
If you go ULV, go ASUS.

Omg Apple, you fail so hard. I've had books since 1974!

Well made tease.

@Stevox: Stopped buying Dell 4 years ago. Started buying Asus. Good times are had.

Its looking quite solid. They're definitely straying from the theory of less is sometimes more.

Ya know, the kids that went to Wonka's factory never complained about the number of candy options.

I'll wait for the Acer Revo with ION 2.

Google needs to incorporate such a feature into their Google TV and show these guys how cloud computing is done.

I haven't decided which brings about the greater wars. The smartphone wars or the console wars. They're both rather potent and lead to epic amounts of hits for websites.

I can't tell a difference between the quality of these images or video and those taken by an Evo or N1. They look about the same to me.

@Philip Han: My humor didn't make it to your computer.

The funny thing is, that's the wrong side of the street.

I have to say, Swype is the bee's knees.

Can't wait for Kinect porn.

its owners its owners

@Denver80203: Some of us are better at being viruses than others. I'm doing my part.

Almost like a spreading bacteria. For some reason that's the thought that pops into my head whenever I see these types of images.