
@coolbho3000: Great explanation. This user needs a star.

@thechansen: I skipped all of the DS hardware. This I will jump on.

I think they should get rid of the 3D slider and simply use a switch. If I'm using the device I will want the full 3D effect or simply 2D.

As a frequent lake gower I've seen my fair share of boat ramp fuck ups, but this certainly takes the cake.

I immediately let my wife know as she is a huge DKC fan.

It may finally be time for me to buy another Gameboy. Last one I purchased was the Advance SP.

I've always used Google Earth to show the N1 to folks that don't really play with smartphones. It's always fun to see the expression on their faces when I say, "Eiffel Tower" and the Earth spins the tower right into view.

@Denver80203: Even if you get to pick whatever flavor you want!?

Needs more aluminum.

Looks like a good purchase for those that never bought the original.

@vinod1978: I guess I'm just the kind of person that would be turned away from shitty service no matter what.

@vinod1978: I don't understand. If you hate AT&T so much why stick with them?

@Yeah!: You, yooouuu... I see what you did.

"I have special eyes..."

@FriarNurgle: Wireless carriers have submitted to me a memo and they would like to ask that you no longer ask such excellent questions at this time.

It will be a waiting game for me on this one. I'm gonna wait and see what kind of games they will develop and what kind of prices they'll begin to cut when they get a load of what Nintendo and Sony are doing.

I'm not quite sure if this is gonna be good or bad in the end.

/looks at N1, Evo, Galaxy S, and iPhone 4 screens.