
It can bum me out sometimes how dismissive of Uncharted 4 people can be. It’s fantastic.

It’s such a good title too, kinda annoying seeing a couple articles not using it.

Ok, um...tiny complaint here, but could we call it The Last of Us Part II please?

They didn’t license it to him, and they did in fact gift the source code to him on a thumb drive in a wooden box, just because they saw a studio that lost its engine and wanted to help out. They’re currently sharing the codebase and collaborating on the engine, with KojiPro establishing a satellite studio in Amsterdam


I think Joel in the trailer was a figment of her imagination and this whole scene was her going to avenge his death, the game being just Ellie with some flashbacks of their relationship between the games.

it has not made uncharted worse with a sequel and we are talking about naughty dog here they are like the best when it comes too making detailed story and characters.

All the effort the photographer and costume lady must have put in to try and look like an iconic image made by a genuinely creative person just appropriated like that? Outrageous!

If you’re spending any time on r/all... that’s the wrong way to reddit. I’ve whittled my front page down to subreddits like r/campingandhiking, r/personalfinance, r/nba, etc. It’s a useful tool if you curate it for yourself and I haven’t seen a single trace of r/the_donald all year.

You think? I can’t say I’ve seen any Knack related imagery in any marketing for Sony outside of the game itself. Drake, Kratos, and Sackboy were the PS3 mascots and I think they’ve carried over to the PS4 by default (maybe not Sackboy, but Drake and Kratos’ games were the hyped next releases) and have still popped up

Okay.. they’re great games but they’re very old. Sony gave Outland for “free” on PS Plus in 2012, Sleeping Dogs in 2013, and Outlast in 2014.

And people complain about GITS live action whitewashing.

They’re still crying about RDR 1.

Don’t cry when RDR 2 is console exclusive.

Considering no first party games will be exclusive anymore on x1 I’d rather build a gaming pc than wait for Scorpio.

I don’t get why so many people are so angry that he won. Yes its probably not the best, but the fact that he won also means that roughly 50% of the population wasn’t satisfied with what the status quo of the political landscape did for them. They got ignored, they voted for the populist. Its easy to get angry at them,

I had hoped to have at least one place I could go to and escape from endless debates, finger-pointing, and rhetoric over the next few weeks and months. A place where I could just engage in my hobby, and only see election or political stories if they actually affected video games. Maybe someone would make a good game

So switch it to easy screenshots so it doesn’t drag you into the menu, like it’s been available since launch. Why anyone would think they would completely disable a button on the controller is beyond me.

Nice! Been wanting this forever

Seems more like salt than shade to me.