
Xbox have been trying to get back to being as good as the 360. At least they finally got rid of that awful Kinect based UI.

Yeah? Tell me the conclusion to Arthur’s story then.

Less that 2 mins of footage and, ah never mind, not my job to convince you to think rationally.

All but announced? With rockstar that means there is not a single bit of proof.

I hear uncharted proving you wrong.

I mean it is a sequel (well prequel but still). You sound like you’re looking for a new IP. It’s not like we’re playing john again.

But the actual characters in the anime are European. Race is actually a very important theme in it.

Calls someone a cunthair, appalled at others use of language, lol. Hypocrite.

Because you speak Swedish.

Seems like he can’t control who watches his videos and that people somehow think he is responsible for how children behave.

Wrong, reasons and excuses are different things. If he such a racist pos that you claim he is, why does he apologize?

Nice anecdotal evidence pal, very scientific, as we all know that all humans think and behave identically to you, Wil.

Someone get this man a gold star. Violent rage issues > saying a naughty word that one time.

I’d love to see the scientific research you’ve done to back up this claim you’ve just made up.

Course not, you need more than that to get that outrage boner going so that your fellow kotaku commentators can gather round and take turns stroking it.

“I know the character of a man based on some mistakes his made in his YouTube videos”

>playing uncharted for its stealth.

Instead of talking they went to work on free updates. Talking about it wouldn’t have changed anything. This update today is far better than any words.

Last I heard it had surpassed their sales expectations and has sold more than vive and rift combined despite availability issues.

Better? He’s probably charging that thing every 5 minutes.