
@Hazeman25: I bet my electric toothbrush is more powerful than a DS.

Haha I love the load screen art style (with parts of the picture moving slowly). That was very well done.

They look alright.

Boy do I want this to come out soon. I haven't had any freeze issues for about 15 hours of gameplay, and then I play a mission and the cinematic freezes on me. I couldn't even press the PS button. Luckily it hasn't frozen since.

Ah, the I give this one the old "lol wut" .

Wow, what a stupid argument... Just let lower end PC users get a watered down experience. It's not big deal. I usually have to compromise by lowering the graphics settings, and I'm fine with that.

Wow, good reasonable rants! He didn't even need to play the game to get it right! But then again, he didn't really mention any specific aspects of the game. Good stuff, though. No amount of my parents playing games would get me off games, however.

Ah, sounds good. It seems a bit too much like a rip off Rock Band though. Wouldn't there be copyright issues?

Hahahah these glitches are hilarious! I've yet to see them in-game, but I hope to encounter them soon. I entered multiplayer for the first time today, though, and already saw a flash of the blue underworld (only for a sec though, probably because of the lag).

Niko is a pretty good main character. He is well acted and well voiced, and I like how he reacts to situations, and his motives.

Haha, that kinda sucked. At least they got the clothing right, though. And Bill Hader has a decent Niko voice.

Hoo boy, that is way too wide for me. Good if you want to see the position of cars near you, I guess.

Hahaha, that's hilarious.

This doesn't seem too much different from the first game, save for the fact that there are more/larger enemies and chainsaw on chainsaw combat. Even the chainsaw duel didn't look too deep. But this is Epic, I'm sure they can make the game great either way.

That's one stylish mug.

I've wasted so much time just messing around and trying to get elaborate explosions and waterflows.

Well either way, this game still looks great. I hope it has the awesome menu system like DiRT had, that was amazing.

Ahahaha I love the Starfox part. Too bad he didn't actually do a barrel roll.

Oh wow, that's awesome!