
Hmmm, that doesn't make too much sense... Maybe the blue laser died. That's very sad, and slightly worrying. I hope my PS3 doesn't die... then again I've been relatively lucky with hardware problems, as I tend to be in the group of people without them.

Wow, that's not too bad for an iPhone game. Seems to be uncomplete too. The motion controls are a lot more sensitive than I expected they'd be.

Wow, this was great! Especially the driving one. I have a van similar to that, only white, and it was hell learning to drive. I never crashed though, thankfully :)

I am definitely playing GTA4. Maybe a bit of GH3 too since I downloaded the Muse pack.

I've heard lots of complaints about Kool Thing when people talk about it in Guitar Hero 3. I don't see what's so bad about the song, though.

Oh god they look terrible

This is disappointing. I do like the screenshot though ;)

This game seems interesting, but I'm not much of an MMO person. I'm not up for the monthly fee, either.

Haze seems alright, I guess. I'm not overly optimistic, though; it has the trappings of a generic shooter.

Haha, nerdiest game ever.

I really like how this game looks, with the vegetation and vehicle variety and all. I was interested in the first Motorstorm, and had fun with the demo, but it seemed a bit sparse to warrant a full purchase. I was right too, since apparently it only had a few tracks. I hope it's better this time.

I mean Mobile Suit. Sorry, I had a lapse in judgment there.

Oh wow, that's definitely the best pink Gundam I've ever seen.

Haha that was great! I love Conan!

They got the look of those mini Helghast just right. I'm looking forward to this game.

Haha this was a great episode! I love how he corrects all of the grammar and syntax errors and makes the teacher marks (See Me). I have a friend who's a grammar nazi, so I find it hilarious.

Big brother!

I guess it's a sign of a good developer when they're not afraid to change things up and cut out what seems crucial in the name of improvement and balance. And delays. Lots of delays.