Gunboat Diplomacy

That’s the key point here. The manufacturing plant that assembles the fighter is just the tip of the iceberg. It’s all the small to mid-sized companies that provide the parts that go into the assembly that’s the hard part to re-start. Some of them may have changed ownership, may not produce the same parts (or the same

They are worried about lowering standards, it has not happened, and it likely won’t work.

But they’re talking about LOWERING the standards. And mixed-gender combat teams have already proven to be significantly less effective than all-male ones. Facts are facts here; either we’re going to lower the standards in order to accommodate women, or we’re going to not have women in combat. It’s really that simple.

“...this one will make the services stronger in the long run, not the other way around.”

What they don't show you are the fifteen cases of Mt. Dew in the corner.

Scoping’s for casuals.

Oil cooler fan #85

Nope, still 2 engines. Pretty sure the bottom 2 ‘circles’ are the intakes and they are just usually covered:

If we can’t deter China with 10 carrier battle groups, then we’re doing something wrong. The solution I think is to reduce (not eliminate) our presence in the Atlantic and Med and rely on NATO allies to pick up the slack. Their navies are small compared to the USN, but quite good compared to everyone else.

That’s my goal with everything — work, sex, driving, etc

Revvin’ up your engine
Listen to the pundits roar
Region under tension
You’ll never make Nanking your whore

Yes its a real shame this tank isnt used to pacify low tech but oil rich countries in the middle east liek the Abrams. Makes it totally an inferior piece of equipment.

Oh god, who let Germany build a superior tank again?

Cool video, and the Leopard II is a very impressive tank, one of the best in the world.