
fart every time you leave your desk.

Goddamnit. I seriously can’t remember a day in the last month where I haven’t hated humanity at least once.

One of those tweets...

My favourite is the one who somehow thought Trump would solve the wage gap?! Even if you buy into his “I love women. Women are tremendous” bullshit, was I asleep when he acknowledged the wage gap?

Well, I can take joy in the pain of people who are regretting their votes because Donald is not building a wall/prosecuting Clinton. I really don’t have a lot of sympathy for those ones.

I have no memory of this, my mother told the story at my grandfather’s wake to our assembled relatives as a ‘remember the time Tammster...’ story. Anyhow, apparently as a small child - toddler small - she used to take me a playgroup. There was an older child, although still smallish, who would regularly just walk up

It feels so weird to pop a squat outside. Even when I’m backpacking, I’m like, am I really doing this? I’m also kind of scared the whole time that a bear will attack me while my pants are down around my ankles and that my last earthly experience will have been shitting in the woods.

it’s just a picture of legs that cuts to an image of a man standing in a burning house and he has a goat head and his eyes are the black of the void and then it cuts back to an image of legs with paint on them and then it’s the goat headed man and he’s closer to the foreground and I can smell sulfur and then it cuts

I’ve been waiting for over a decade for the Republican Party to get eaten alive by the “moral majority” they co-opted back in the 80's for easy votes.

You know, the one good thing about this election is that it has made it very, very easy to spot the racists and perverts since they’re basically walking around with placards declaring their repugnance.

So there are some memes being circulated that state: “GOP stands for grab our pussies”

Worse? Don’t fucking tease us like that.

My two posts on Facebook today: 1. If you are a woman, and you still plan to vote for Trump, you are an insult to every woman on this planet who has risked life and death to be treated as equal, respected, citizens free of violence, rape, degradation, enslavement, and servitude. You are a disgrace. If you are a

Typical left-wing pinko liberal media bias tactics #101: quote people accurately.

I said over on Deadspin earlier this evening that my wild hunch is that it was leaked by an NBC producer or employee who knew they had the tape and was really frustrated that NBC was sitting on it.

Translation: I’m embarrassed and ashamed this came to light. This happened eleven years ago, when I was already a spineless little shit who took no issue with what Trump was saying because I like to hang with the bros so that I can feel like one of them.

I’m always reminded of this New Yorker Andy Borowitz headline whenever Megyn Kelly does anything reasonable. I do truly resent it.

She totally reverse psychology’d him so she could wear her red suit.

This is by far one of the most minor examples of Clinton’s dominating Trump, but I like to think her “Between Two Ferns” reference to his “red power tie” led to his stylists’ choosing blue tonight.