
Hey congrats, you've successfully integrated more information than I had at the time when I posted my initial post! Way to go!

They haven't said anything about the boxes. The boxes were intentional, done by Parker and Stone. Some or all of the bleeps were apparently added by Comedy Central.

No Controversy There
The ending run of extended bleeps were almost certainly done on purpose. The joke, an old one that I've seen repeated beforehand, was set up that way.

First Time I Saw Serenity
I hadn't seen a single second of "Firefly" before I got to see this movie and was horribly unimpressed. I don't think it does nearly as good of a job in introducing the world as you claim Scott. I remember watching and thinking things like "Why is everybody speaking Chinese?" and "Why, if

Best Part of The Simpsons
I liked the portion where the BRAND NEW CHARACTER was coming to Springfield and was killed mid-catchphrase. I'm pretty I liked it more once I figured out he was the winning new character of that "Create a New Simpsons Character" they did, and it was the show's intention all the time to kill

Oh shit, i completely forgot The Simpsons. What the hell man. I've got every season DVD put out, and all the episodes that aren't on DVD yet I've…acquired. Hell I was Simpsons Trivia Challenge champion four years straight in college.

Bruce Springsteen
I'm completionist for a lot of musical artists, but not to the level of fanaticism I am for The Boss.
Additionally, every book written by Bill Bryson and Dave Barry. also spoiled the winner by reposting People's spoiler without sufficiently excising details from the spoiler, all the while patting themselves on the back on how they "won't spoil the winner".

Straight from Harmon's Twitter
'@danharmon - trivia: tonight, the #3 spot on google search trends was "Mexican Halloween Sex Position." We unintentionally pulled a War of the Worlds.'

For the record
From Tom and Gail's blog:
"No beans or legumes, few eggs and little dairy were used (despite their being encouraged to do so)."

Morgan Spurlock
I believe Spurlock is filming a documentary about Simpsons fans actually, which'll be shown on Fox sometime in mid-2010. So the "creative keynote event" probably has something to do with that.

Too Many
Basic Instinct 2 - This was actually before I saw Basic Instinct itself, so I had no real idea of what the hell was happening. It apparently compounded the suck.

"Star Wars VII: The Apology"

"You have just described every episode of Family Guy ever. "

"Hey pal, I assure you: if I tried any funny stuff, you would be in hysterics."
"Hey, you're James Woods!"

Simpsons - A decent if not hugely inspired episode. I too enjoyed the blatant editing hackjob, and the fact that the episode accounts for about half of the "Stray Observations" quotes says a lot. Since it was a Rogen-penned episode it's not much of an indicator of how

Simp's sons
"I use humor to reach my students!"
"Agggh, Dead Poet's Society has DESTROYED a generation of educators."
'And so, President Kennedy says to Khrushchev [John Wayne voice] "Well enough jawin', reach for it pilgrim!" and the missiles are like [black preacher voice]"Whoaaa, praise Jesus! Can I hear an amen!"

Yeah, but the Simpsons wasn't cancelled, and Futurama has never been as big of a moneymaker as the Simpsons were at the time. And those are two circumstances that can make a hell of a difference.

I can confirm that ToMI does indeed work on a Mac with Crossover Games (and it's a lot of fun!). Instructions on how to get it working (and any other Telltale game for that matter) were found here:
NOTE: The only thing I had to do differently for ToMI was in Step 7, where instead of changing

If Family Guy wins the Emmy
I will light a bag of poop on fire on Seth McFarlane's porch and make him ruin his new Italian loafers as he stamps it out.