
It was certainly handy that all those huge chains were lying around.

A "great room." Seriously.

Yeah, I didn't get that feeling at all.

Air ducts? Seriously, is there a more worn out gimmick in action movies? "We're going to build this cool space hotel and on every floor have air ducts big enough for a Martian Marine to scamper through."

Anyone else notice that Tom Pelphrey is doing an uncanny John Malkovich impression?

So was Kara a virgin or not?

Ah, well, there was Dexter.

Superdoopergirl has mere minutes to launch Fort Rozz into space but before she can pass out from the lack of oxygen (Supergirl? Serioulsy?) her sister shows up to rescue her in a pod that was inside a building. I'm willing to suspend disbelief a little, but the scriptwriters aren't even trying. Not to mention that she

Check him out in Copper, Sons of Anarchy or Vikings.

I was hooked on Terriers from the start but not exactly shocked when it disappeared. It was a very character- and actor-driven show and due credit should also be given to Laura Allen's performance. Although Donal Logue ended up all over the screen for years after this, Terriers was the only sympathetic role he got

I love this show so much I dole out the episodes to make it last longer. I watched the first two because I couldn't stop myself, but tonight I get only one. Six episodes and it's over. Not fair.

What? Another one of Rip's brilliant schemes is a total dud? How can that be? So far, with all this zooming around in space and time Rip and his team have accomplished absolutely nothing. Zero. Although maybe they just made things worse. The writing on this show is unbelievably bad and IMO the only reason to watch it