
Yes. I’m not outraged, but I do think it’s hackneyed, old ground that football players have tilled already. Find another shallow stunt.  I am an old person though, and the players probably have their marching orders to rescue Tom Dundon’s ‘investment’.

I feel like there can be a middle ground here. You can feel like Cherry and the old guard and all their “respect the game” stuff is obnoxious and terrible while thinking that the new hockey media’s desperation to make everything a fucking meme is exhausting. It’s “Please Like My Sport” for the Internet Age and these

I watched this over the weekend and was rather surprised by the obsession with how charming he was. He wasn’t meeting these women in bars and inviting them back to his place after hours of drunken flirtation. He was literally pretending to be injured and asking for their help carrying stuff to his car or whatever,

Impressive, but if twitter says 1:06, it must be true lulz

He also mentioned on the HNIC pre-show that the league would be paying her as well. 

You can always just not read that shit. It’s not like it’s important.

True story: went to a small high school in northern New England (like 60 kids per class). We had an English exchange student join us for his senior year, and he was, as you might imagine, instantly the best player on our soccer team. EVERY single game he’d get a yellow card for swearing. One game he got double

Mom, I’ve asked you not to reply to my comments online.

Ohhhh, you are one of THOSE “fire Tomlin” fans. Yes, please, lets get rid of one of the winningest coaches of all time where we are always a playoffs/super-bowl contender for 7 years worth of Chip Kelly type coaches. 

“Into the stands” seems like a stretch. Also whoever that D-List celebrity is who was recounting the incident seems like a very strange source to use in this situation. 

Eh, did you notice the CB on the opposite side of the field?

Isn’t that basically how kinja works today?

let’s keep in mind that applying logic to to the actions of those who suffer from serious mental illness issues is fucking stupid.

Imma let you finish but lots of players begin with a lot of pressure, and lots of them are able to enjoy playing simply because they play and it’s good. The reason he isn’t enjoying basketball is because he doesn’t do it very well. And that’s why all the other stuff is bad stuff.

Arbitration or not, I have doubts that there will be any evidence shown that anyone with a team and/or the NFL spoke or wrote anything along the lines of “Don’t sign him.” Even then it would have to be “There is a secret agreement that no one will sign him.” I could be wrong, of course, but I get the feeling that at

They never should have covered him with a government-issued blanket.

Happy to have the halo, but not sure the HEADLINE is supported by the report:

I don’t think you get it.  It’s OK when Jezebel writers do it but it’s wrong when other writers do it.

K Jezebel but don’t pretend like the gossip articles that were posted about this earlier weren’t full of the same snark, especially ignoring the normalcies of Indian weddings and comparing them to Western traditions (that veil snark tho!)

The writer, Mariah Smith, is black, but the Cut’s editors, and their perspective, are mostly white.