
It isn’t talking about white people that are actually allies

I like what Chris did too... But am I missing the part about the ‘good’ white allies?

But did anyone else’s mind get BLOWN by the brown quincinera episode?! Holy shit. It literally took me and my fiancee four sessions of couple’s therapy to recover. I just seriuously can’t deal with what may result from the reshuffling of the house of Banister while Shlemeagel is still wandering the Laurelisem flats.

This was over statues getting moved like Iraqi Freedom was over yellowcake.

I hate nazis. They’re deplorable. I’ll confront racism as I encounter it in my life and will try to be the best person possible to everyone I encounter in this world, no matter their race, gender, nationality or sexuality.

Can we say we hate Nazis without joining antifa or is that option, like, off the table? Specifically asking for a white friend.

Sweden is still recovering.

If men are pissing correctly, it’s just holding a flesh hose. Women are working around a leaky gasket.

There’s no such thing as dirty baseball plays, there are only those that break the unspoken rules. They’ll fix it by doing through the clean baseball tactic of pitching at his head.

Lebron started the superteam.

The Saudis have cut ties because Qatar is funding terrorism? What, are they jealous?

I didn’t know anything happened in the show. I thought it was just cut shots of starving people staring at each other. Maybe I’ll check it out now.

As long as the Cleveland Browns exist, he is good enough to be a starting quarterback in this league.

8===D —

“Because my job is to follow professional athletes, because that is the most mature thing a person can do with their time.”

Not the first time a condom has left someone with a sour taste in their mouth... My sincerest apologies, Eragorn.

There’s the look of a man who’s achieved his life’s dreams if I’ve ever seen it.

I do this. My head is nice and cozy and you can turn up the sound. Gives sounds a softness. Also disperses the pressure from the pads over the whole ear area making for longer lasting comfort. I even masturbate with a condom on from time to time.

Was there a cybergoth character in Twin Peaks? That’s the universal through-line of all Wachowski projects. Cybergoth.

Sun Trust Field looks GREAT. That premium outfield seating with repurposed locker tin is a very luxurious touch. I’m thinking state penitentiary meets first super-computer was the motif.