Or! She cares about all of the above?
Or! She cares about all of the above?
Much of success in this life simply comes down to managing expectations. Set the bar high and you’re likely to be observed as desperately reaching for it; the masses heckling you as you do. Set the bar low and you can cooly sit on it while you take a dump in front of the world, both middle fingers held high to those…
What kind of a maniac slices their condescension IN the cheerios?!
Supporting the troops takes too much work. You’ve got to ask your representatives to actually do it and check to see they actually did it. And then it costs money to pay for medical treatment, therapy, social programs etc. Heck, even volunteering costs time... ugh; what a DRAG.
I noticed he let his island accent ting have the night off. And proceeded to talk about how fake everyone in the industry was except rhi-rhi. Even talking about how she kept her accent. I wondered, Was he self-aware in this moment?
You’re right. Rihanna def got laid. I wonder what drake did with his evening though
Military has to pay for their advertising, just like everyone else.
Should’ve gone with June
It’s not clear to me why you’re assuming she’s just there because she’s a girl, though, and why you’re also implying that she’s not much of a musician.
I heard it’s something that really motivated Shaun to come back after Sochi.
But will you text me pictures of penises? I must know
Who says he wasn’t?
Are you sure you had the right guy though? Like really sure?
Can’t we all just dope and get along?
Doesn’t the politician have some role in the equation of not obtaining the necessary votes to win, or am I just talking nonsense here?
Sorry, I think I’m becoming a Jehovah’s Witness. Rest assured, your candidate would have my vote if I wasn’t though.
Back and to the right. Back... and to the right.
TLDR: Criminal mischief in 2002, for something, we don’t know. He got divorced before marrying Johnny’s mom, and he works away from home and only comes home on the weekends.
“Bobby Joe III’s first cousin John Paul Manziel, born Dec. 6, 1966, is Johnny Football’s dad. Paul, as he’s known, has been busted once—for criminal mischief, in 2002, though details on that incident seem to be lost to history. He has otherwise avoided the kind of trouble that found Bobby Joe III, unless you include…