
South Asian guy here - our representation on film is pretty much "nerdy IT guy with no social skills" or "convenience store owner/taxi driver". Never had a problem getting emotionally invested in media involving white people

Watched NBA Playoffs mostly - my Raptors made it to the 2nd round finally, after 2 horrifically heartbreaking first round exits! So I'm really happy about that.

I've been going through their entire discography lately. Haven't listened to them in some time but it never fails to amaze me just how goddamn great these guys are - easily in my top 5 bands/musicians. So stoked for the new album, whenever it's released.

The animation looks like garbage. It's 2016, I've seen anime from the late 1990s that had more fluid animation then this. I love The Killing Joke, but the visuals look bad enough that I might not even bother with this one

Raspberry Beret is indeed the perfect pop song. It should be illegal for a song to this catchy.

I loved the ending of Gone Girl. It was such a "fuck you" in the face of more conventional thriller conclusions.

Wow I'm shocked, because I actually really like Djawadi's soundtracks. His theme for Pacific Rim was badass. I think the context is just all out of whack. The swaggering rock sound worked for PR because it was fucking giant robots beating the shit out of giant monsters. The movie was basically a live action anime.

Yeah this song is garbage, just like 99% of what Maroon 5 shits out. I dig that "Makes Me Wonder" song though, probably the only good track they ever made.

I was cautiously optimistic when this was first announced as I've enjoyed Duncan Jones' movies and Travis Fimmel is a very charismatic actor…but this looks like horseshit. The CGI looks like cutscenes from a second-tier PS3 game and the plot is yet another ho-hum bundle of fantasy cliches (which I guess is pretty true

Me too! YouTube was just starting to catch on, and this was probably one of the more unique videos on it at the time. I remember me and my friends being obsessed with it and quoting it non-stop for weeks

Yes! The movie was fun as hell. Obviously nothing deep or serious, but the characters were endearing, the satire amusing and the fight scenes fantastic. Totally down for the follow-up

Refn is the very definition of style over substance…but damn do his movies look purdy. To be honest, the first Pusher and Drive are really the only movies of his that I would call "good", everything else is varying degrees of dull, tedious and eye-rollingly faux-edgy. The man does have a way with imagery though. I

Devoid of criticism? Surely you cannot be serious. People rag on the MCU in every article about these movies

Damn I can't wait! The trailer looked punk as FUCK and after the amazing job he did with Blue Ruin, I'm on board with anything Saulnier does that resembles a thriller.


Damn, I kinda wish I was there. I don't go downtown much these days because I work in Etobicoke but that would've been cool to see

Ant-Man was great! It leaned heavily on the comedy and was a much more small-scale and light-hearted affair than the tiring "city gets destroyed" plotlines of the bigger Marvel movies

How can superheroes be real if jokes aren't real?

The first one was hilarious, I'm definitely down for another one. Never thought I would say this, but Efron was actually great in that role. I think he should just stick to playing egotistical sociopaths from now on - he was made for that type of character.