
Hooooly shit I am tempted to watch this just because of the fact that someone actually had the audacity to make something as absolutely fucking bonkers as this.

I think it looks pretty cool. Some of the action looks a little clunky, the music choice is questionable and I still don't like Mystique having such a centre stage in these films. With that being said, I loved First Class and DoFP and Singer has generally done an excellent job with these movies, so I'm pumped

I never got the hype about this book. The concept was cool, but the execution was sloppy. I found it poorly written and paced with a lame final encounter and ending. I guess it has its fans but I found it pretty shitty, and I usually love these "young protagonist discovers secret powers/secret society" stories

Oh man, I fucking loved the Spartacus dialogue

I already loved Ian McShane but my respect for him skyrocketed after this.

Possibly an unpopular opinion: Swan Song > The Stand.

I thought Kingsman was great. Not high art by any means, but it was a ripping good time. The church fight scene was fantastic. I also wasn't as put off by the anal sex thing as most people *shrug*

"I choose violence."

Two of the biggest reasons I watch the show

This Tortured Brooding Soldier Went On An Orc Killing Spree…What Happened Next Will BLOW YOUR MIND

This. That game was perfectly paced. I never felt that a single moment was wasted. Every setpiece and game section was calibrated to the overall flow of the story.

You should really start with good kid, m.a.a.d city. It's a much more accessible and "easier" album to get into than TPAB and these outtakes.

I'm still baffled that they decided to do that. I loved HIMYM throughout all 10 seasons but that ending was so atrocious that it has completely soured the show for me, and I don't think I can ever go back to watching it again

Yeah that was some bullshit. But then again Kurt Sutter is an awful storyteller

Agreed, that was probably the most powerful moment in the entire series, and baby Harrison crawling in blood was a very memorable image. Would've been a perfect series ending


I don't see any hyperbolism. The Shield is indeed one of the greatest shows of all time and Lem's death was incredibly powerful and heartbreaking

Still at a 100% on Rotten Tomatoes after 92 reviews, that's pretty impressive no matter how you slice it

We don't want your kind up here!!!

Man, Aaron Eckhart's filmography has really gone down the shitter since…wow, Rabbit Hole back in 2010. He gave a genuinely good performance in that movie, and in The Dark Knight a couple of years before but since it's been nothing but turds. WTF is this guy thinking?