
@AgamemnonV1: Which they aren't; this is a XBLA game, not a full retail game.

Modernize Serious Sam's gameplay? Really?

@JC Whitless: Yup. To make them understand that you need the money to party, convince them that you are party guy, so wear something fun like a mask. Or maybe pantyhose. They'll instantly get that you're usually the life of the part.

This is all a good idea, but I see a problem with at least two (possibly three) of the tools mentioned here: plausible deniability.

I tunnel through my SSH server (running on my Chumby no less!) as a proxy.

I really think most of the industry is missing the point of the netbook as it was introduced/popularized by the original Asus Eee 701.

@Kryptolojik: The PS3 is much, much, much worse in that regard.

The whole "watching the characters do cool stuff" is a problem I've had with gaming ever since the "Playstation Generation" became the majority in the gaming community. Sure, a game can show the characters do awesome things, but unless you're in control while those happen, it's not any more impressive than seeing

@tonicmole: Yeah, but we don't see Whoopie's areola.

@Surreal_Sunshine: Actually, out of that list, you only REALLY need a Mind Control Gun for a good date!

@striferoks: The problem with the elevators as loading screen is that they were slower than the actual loading screens in the game.

@Asbestos_Underwear: The game I remember that used the rumble the best is Rockstar presents: Table Tennis.

@Guizzy: On another note; the sound chip on the Gameboy was just killer. #gameboy

What a coincidence; found one of the buggers while doing a big cleaning up of my room last weekend. One of the big brick-like yellow and dark-green originals, of course. Popped 4 batteries in it, Kirby and... Yup! Still works fine! #gameboy

I made the SG-1 team, and made them fight Ra. Typed in: "Soldier", "Linguist", "Scientist" and "Alien", then made them fight Ra.

What I find weird is how Microsoft is making irrelevant their own previous future-tech pet project: Surface.

From Software: Chromehounds 2...

What I really like is the variety in the tactics in this game, for the medium and high importance targets especially. Do you want to take care of the external defences first with a long-range weapon, then enter and blow up the target? Do you want to sneak in place the charges carefully, sneak out and feel all smug