
Wow, now I see it.

@argh: Yeah, but on the other hand... Can Niko really afford to be picky? He isn't exactly a stud either.

To all those already pissing on this film:

Sex sells?

@American_N_Japan: And my point being that if the line is to be drawn at under aged children, I think perhaps that line could be better drawn than at the arbitrary number "18", at least when it comes to considering something perverted, as if something critical happened on the night of someone's 18th birthday that made

@American_N_Japan: I try not to judge too much on that kind of thing. While I would personally never do something that might land me in jail, I can recognize the simple fact that from an evolutionary/biological standpoint, men are pretty much hardwired to be attracted to girls younger than the actual consent age; as

@immikeulate & @Pikadrew: Well, I remember the single-player being fun. What gave it long-term appeal is how easy it was making nice looking maps for.

@Immutablyme: It can be necessary depending on how much the publisher is putting the pressure.

So, with a short campaign, I guess my interest in this game now hinges on the quality of coop gameplay.

Ah, come on. Why is this even surprising people. Hell, I'm surprised it's just one in five.

Long hype cycles is what allowed Sony to push the Dreamcast off the market last gen and what saved the PS3 from being an abject failure this gen.

Arma; look, I like Michael Ironside as much as the next (heterosexual) guy, but you're creeping me out.

*sigh* Now we need a GOOD WWI shooter.

Marathon; I really want to like it, but I get majorly sick trying to play it. Can't stomach more than 10 minutes.

@xMindPrintsx: Like Carnivores? They made 4 of those.

How do they expect to make money?

@Dragonis: Yes, I've seen it. Found it pretty good, actually, but it's definitely not the kind of humor everyone enjoy; it is thoroughly offensive. If you could laugh at Borat, you'd probably like Postal.

@FortNinety: Because you're on Kotaku, not Gizmodo.