
So then we better make consoles cash only? Stores like Best Buy have offered financing for consoles for years. If you buy anything on a credit card and don't pay the balance off by end of billing cycle, you've financed it. It's not a financially wise way to get a 360, most likely, but there's nothing unprecedented or

Basically, MS is offering a finance program that comes out to $39 in finance charges over two year. Financially that's not terrible for an installment plan. Sure, if you have the capital up front it makes sense to buy the console straight up. But not everyone does, or they think they can put the money to better use

There will be an entire side mission series where you and Ben go "a-whoring" and contract venereal diseases. GOTTA CATCH EM ALL!

No one gets charged until the funding is achieved. If they don't make it, nothing happens. The pledges are all hypothetical until they hit the goal, hence why hitting the goal is so important.

An hockey time...


Dreamcast did the same thing a decade ago with their SegaNet. Although in that case I think the console was free.

As long as there are zombies, I am a happy man.

I am enjoying the irony of EA detractors (and believe me they give good reasons) saying that this would be awesome, neglecting the fact that every single game in Nexon's stable turns profit by whoring out the absolute worst aspects of microtransactions.

Is... is that top image the actual controller? It looks like a prop from the Saw films.

Went bar hopping last night with a friend. Woke up with a headache and indigestion. It's going to be a long day of work. I'm getting too old for this... uh, stuff...

Hey man. Don't blame me for this. I NEVER ASKED FOR THIS!

But how is that really much different than plot moments in games like Skyrim? The story will occasionally require others to move forward the action, and you're stuck waiting for dialogue to conclude before moving. Sure you can move the camera during these scenes, but is it really that interactive? That seems an

Ooo... Amalur for $40 is rather am-alluring! YEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!

How is Uncharted any less of a game than Super Mario Bros, Sonic, or any other linear platformer? If it's not a sandbox, it's not a game, in other words?

I love all the selective attributions of aspects of motion pictures to disprove the point. Yes, the definition of cinematic is "of, similar, or relating to motion pictures", but how that similarity is achieved can be varied, perhaps through visual design, choice of camera angles, visual filters, framing, and so forth,

Oh snap! I miss ketchup chips. When I lived in Montreal I ate them all the time. Also dill pickle chips. Mmm...

I cancelled my sub a month ago or so. I loved it for the first few weeks, but as soon as I found myself space barring through conversations I knew I wouldn't be around much longer. The story and atmosphere were great, and the voice acting was solid, but at the end of the day the quests themselves were just a little

The real question, based on these examples: are insane assholes naturally bad at spelling and grammar, or does an inability to learn spelling and grammar make one an insane asshole?

Zenimax pulled that "no royalties if your game is under 85 on MetaCritic" junk with Obsidian on New Vegas, so I wonder if that was the part of the contract Human Head protested.